How to make Coconut Milk at Home, Homemade Coconut Milk Recipe

Homemade Coconut Milk Recipe 

The clear liquid inside the coconut is often mistaken for coconut milk but it is fact coconut water pierce two of the eyes and drain it into a jug. Use a hammer to crack the coconut open. Coconut milk is obtained by scraping the white flesh out of the coconut and squeezing out all the liquid. The first extract is thick coconut milk.


  •  2 grated fresh coconuts
  • 3 to 4 cups of water


  1. Pour out grated coconuts into a blender and add 1 cup of water and blend it well till the coconut ground well.
  2. Take muslin or a fine sieve and squeeze it well to extract the milk into a glass bowl (The first extract is thick coconut)
  3. Now collect the pulp and put it back into the blender again and add 1 to 1.5 cups of water and blend again.
  4. Strain this milk into another glass bowl (This extract is thinner than the first one)
  5. Now again collect the pulp and put it back into the blender and add 1 to 1.5 cups of water and blend.
  6. Strain this milk into another glass bowl or you can mix into the second one (This is the thinnest extract) or thin coconut milk is obtained by immersing the grated coconut flesh in warm water to cover and squeezing it out. This can be repeated 2-3 times before the grated coconut is discarded.
  7. Refrigerate it and use this coconut milk into various recipes.

Note: Ready-made coconut cream is sold in 225-g/8-oz packets and is dissolved in little warm water to give coconut milk. Desiccated coconut (shredded coconut) may be soaked in warm water to cover, and then squeezed out to obtain thin coconut milk.

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